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Terms and Conditions

How to Enter


  • 1.1 Entry into Gladstone Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s (GCCI’s) Best In Business (BIB) Awards is free.

  • 1.2 By entering the awards all nominees confirm they have read, understood, and agree with the below BIB AwardsTerms & Conditions (Ts&Cs).

  • 1.3 GCCI reserves the right to alter these Ts&Cs at any time, without notice, at its discretion.

  • 1.4 Finalists in the BIB Awards will be notified if changes to the Ts&Cs are made after their entry is submitted but before judging takes place. In such an instance Finalists will be given a reasonable opportunity to amend or alter their entries if they wish to do so.

  • 1.5 All nominations must be lodged via GCCI’s BIB Awards website, accessible via

  • 1.6 All nominations must be submitted by 5pm August 10th Australian Eastern Standard Time on the relevant closing date as published in the Key Award Dates section on GCCI’s BIB Awards website.


Entry Eligibility & Requirements

  • 2.1 All nominees must hold a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and registered business address within the Gladstone Region. This does not apply to nominees in the individual award categories of Customer Service Excellence, Young Business Leader and Business Leader.

  • 2.2 Nominee businesses must have been continuously operating in the Gladstone Regional Council area for a minimum period of eight months at the time BIB Awards nominations open. Check the Key Award Dates section on GCCI’s BIB Awards website for the relevant date.

  • 2.3 Nominees into the individual award categories (Customer Service Excellence, Young Business Leader and Business Leader) shall be automatically disqualified if:

  • 2.3.1 The nominee becomes bankrupt or insolvent; or

  • 2.3.2 The nominee becomes disqualified from holding office as a Director of any organisation or company.

  • 2.4 GCCI reserves the right to disqualify any nominee who GCCI has reason to believe has breached any of these Ts & Cs, or engaged in any unlawful, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or other improper misconduct that may jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of GCCI’s BIB Awards or otherwise bring GCCI’s BIB Awards into disrepute or damage the goodwill or reputation of GCCI.

  • 2.5 GCCI reserves the right to dictate the terms upon which nominees and winners may utilise the GCCI and BIB Awards logos in connection with GCCI’s BIB Awards.

  • 2.6 GCCI accepts no responsibility for any entries lost in transit or not received by the closing date due to technical disruptions or any other reason beyond GCCI’s control.

  • 2.7 All nominations must be lodged via the online voting platform and include correct Business trading name. Judges reserve the right to disqualify a nomination if spelling of business is vastly incorrect, incorrect trading name is used or business is placed in category not related to nominated trading business.

  • 2.8 GCCI reserves the right to declare any nominee’s entry ineligible and removed, if their entry form is found to be incomplete, deficient, false, or misleading in any way.

  • 2.9 Only one nomination submission per person and per email address will be accepted.

  • 3.0 BIB Awards winners may be required to participate in promotional activities featured in on or in print, television, and radio media, GCCI’s social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram) and GCCI’s website. There will be no fee payable, remuneration or other direct financial benefits to the winners for participating in these promotional activities, other than the marketing opportunity to advertise their individual businesses or organisations.

  • 3.1 Entrants agree to a change of category if it is deemed to better suit an alternative category than the category nominated.



Confidentiality & Judging

  • 5.1 Upon their submission Finalist entries become the property of GCCI. All information provided in Finalist Forms will be used for the purpose of judging and will be treated as commercial in confidence by GCCI and sponsor partners.

  • 5.2 Information provided by Finalists, excluding any financial information, may be used by GCCI for the purposes of promoting their involvement in GCCI’s BIB Awards.

  • 5.3 Nominee contact information will be disclosed to BIB Awards sponsors for the purpose of direct opportunities for promotion through sponsor partners. You can refuse the disclosure of contact information to sponsor partners by advising GCCI in writing via

  • 5.4 Nominee must disclose to judges any litigation or insolvency proceedings that may foreseeably affect the reputation of the applicant or the Best in Business Awards.

  • 5.5 Entrants must provide honest and accurate answers to all questions. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.



  • 6.1 All Finalist entries are judged by a panel comprised of GCCI Committee Members and any other business leaders as selected by GCCI.

  • 6.2 All Finalists will be judged on their written submissions (Finalists Forms) and a 15-minute in- person interview in Gladstone. Check the Key Award Dates section on GCCI’s BIB Awards website for the relevant dates.

  • 6.3 The BIB Awards are for excellence, and when deciding on a winner the Judging Panel will take into consideration your organisation’s Community Support & Involvement; Management Philosophy & Employee Engagement; Continuous Improvement Commitment; Environmental Sustainability; Advanced Knowledge, Processes & Business Models and Resilience, Diversity & Flexibility.

  • 6.4 For the Customer Service Excellence Award the Judging Panel will take into consideration how the individual Finalists deliver a high quality of customer service in their organisation; how they ensure consistency in the delivery of customer service; how they create a culture of customer service, and how customer service delivers to their performance or the performance of their organisation.

  • 6.5 For the Large Industry Award the Judging Panel will take into consideration the points listed in T & C 6.3 as well as the industry’s Local Content Policy and their Procurement Practices and Payment Terms for their suppliers.

  • 6.6 For the Events Awards the Judging Panel will take into consideration how the event enhances the Gladstone Region and creates a measurable economic impact for our community. They will consider the event’s genesis and development; the event’s purpose and goals; the event’s results, including profit or funds raised, and or attendance numbers; how organisers collaborate with local not-forprofits, businesses and government organisations, and sponsorship and or donations received and volunteer involvement.

  • 6.7 For the Business Leaders awards the Judging Panel will take into consideration how the nominees have demonstrated a commitment to their workplace, industry, and the community through leadership. They will consider how the nominees have displayed leadership qualities, and what those qualities are; any specific outcomes or successes they have achieved as a leader; any barriers or difficulties they have encountered and overcome as a leader; how their organisation and community has benefited from their leadership, and how they have assisted or mentored other local business owners and managers.

  • 6.8 At the in-person interview the Judging Panel will ask each Finalist a series of weighted questions, allocating scores out of 10 to each question asked to reach an overall score for each nomination.

  • 6.9 Where there are two or more entries with the same highest score a count back will be conducted to determine which entrant scored higher on the most category questions.

  • 7.0 If after the count back there is still two or more entries with the same highest score, the judging panel will reconvene to determine a winner.

  • 7.1 There will only be one winner per award category.

  • 7.2 Judges sign a confidentiality agreement and must disclose any conflict of interest in the judging process.

  • 7.3 The Judging Panel’s decision is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into.

  • 7.4 In situations where there is only one entrant in a category, this entry will be judged. Subject to meeting a gateway score, the entry will become an automatic Finalist and will be awarded a Finalist Certificate.

  • 7.5 A representative of GCCI or the Judging Panel may contact any Finalist via telephone interview or email for further information or to verify their entry prior to selecting a category winner. Conducting such interviews does not create any obligation on GCCI or the Judging Panel to select the interviewed entrant as a winner.

  • 7.6 Finalists in the Young Business Leader and Business Leader categories are nominated by entrants from members of GCCI and are nominated at networking and GCCI events.

  • 7.7 The Business to Watch category is open to the Top 25 nominees from the Retail & Sales; Hospitality; Microbusinesses; Professional Services; Health & Wellness; Hair & Beauty; Engineering & Manufacturing; Trade Services; Accommodation & Resorts and Tourism categories. The winner will be decided upon by the Judging Panel.

  • 7.8 The Best In Business category is open to all winners from the Retail & Sales; Hospitality; Microbusiness; Professional Services; Health & Wellness; Hair & Beauty; Engineering & Manufacturing; Trade Services; Accommodation & Resorts and Tourism categories. The winner will be decided upon by the Judging Panel.

Key Dates

  • July 05 - Voting Open

  • August 11 - Tickets on sale & Voting closes

  • October 12 & 13 - Judging commences

  • October 27 - Ticket sales close

  • November 02 - Best in Business Awards night

Phone: 0448 333 121


Office Address: 11 Drewe Street I Gladstone 4680

Postal Address: PO Box 1210 I Gladstone I 4680

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